
A bookmarklet is a bookmark stored in a web browser that adds one-click functions to a web page. Bookmarklets contain JavaScript commands stored as the URL of the bookmark. These commands execute on the current web page when the bookmarklet is clicked.

Drag a bookmarklet from below to your bookmarks bar to add it to your web browser:

PP > cPanel Opens cPanel for whichever account is shown in the active account tab in Power Panel. (Must be logged in to cpJump and allow it to open pop-up windows.)
PP > WHM Opens WHM for whichever account is shown in the active account tab in Power Panel. (Must be logged in to cpJump and allow it to open pop-up windows.)
PP > WHM (root) Opens WHM for whichever account is shown in the active account tab in Power Panel. (Must be logged in to cpJump and allow it to open pop-up windows. Must also have T1E+ credentials.)
SSH (T1) Adds the T1 SSH command to the clipboard for whichever server is shown in the active account tab in Power Panel.
SSH (T1E+) Adds the T1E SSH command to the clipboard for whichever server is shown in the active account tab in Power Panel.